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Doctoral Program in Molecular and Environmental Biology

The doctoral program in Molecular and Environmental Biology is a 4 years course at the 3rd cycle level and includes both a curricular (mainly during the first year) and a research component. This program is inserted in the multidisciplinary environment of the Molecular Biology and Environmental Center, which allows students to be provided with: i) advanced training in cutting-edge specialty areas; ii) a stimulating scientific environment in high-quality research projects; iii) preparation for an academic career or business, at home and abroad. This postgraduate program counts with the collaboration of researchers/professors of high scientific merit and from national and international universities and institutes, in the following subjects: -Molecular Biotechnology-Biochemistry and Structural Biology-Microbial Physiology and Pathogenesis-Cell Biology and Development-Biomedicine and Health-Biodiversity and Evolution-Ecology and Environment. 

To integrate this program of advanced studies and research, the student must have a high level of intellectual ability and work, and demonstrate personal motivation and professional ambition.

Fees (non-refundable)

Number of vacancies

Access requirements​

Ranking criteria



Academic degree:
  • Doctorate
8 curricular semesters
Gualtar Campus, Braga (UM)
Main Scientific area:
  • Biology


    School of Sciences
    Campus de Gualtar
    4710 - 057 Braga

    Tel: +351 253604390 Fax: +351 253604398


The course aims to contribute to the training of professionals capable of integrating multidisciplinary teams and carrying out internationally competitive research in the area of Molecular and Environmental Biology. These objectives, combined with the selection of students with high intellectual / work capacity, personal motivation and professional ambition, provide a solid training of highly qualified professionals to carry out activities at the business or academic level.

Key learning outcomes

The doctorate in Molecular and Environmental Biology aims to provide students with:

1. advanced and up-to-date training in the following areas of knowledge: Molecular Biotechnology-Biochemistry and Structural Biology-Microbial Physiology and Pathogenesis-Cell Biology and Development-Biomedicine and Health-Biodiversity and Evolution-Ecology and Sustainability-Conservation and Management of Natural Resources;

2. a stimulating scientific environment in high-quality research projects;

3. knowledge, technical and intellectual preparation necessary to address several aspects dealing with basic research and/or technological and industrial applications;

4. preparation for a national or international academic career or business. 

At the end of this doctorate, the technical and scientific skills acquired constitute a solid foundation to perform different professional activities, in particular in the fields of health, sustainability and environment, industry, agriculture, and higher education.

Access to higher education

The completion of this PhD allows developing research activity at a post-doctoral level.


At the end of this course, the scientific and technical skills acquired constitute a solid background for research, development and leadership in the emerging areas of the program, namely Cell Biology and Health, Molecular Biotechnology and Evolution, Biodiversity and Ecology, in higher education, research institutions, hospitals, as well as in biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and environmental companies.   

PhDs in Molecular and Environmental Biology will be dedicated to the following positions: 

- Leadership of multidisciplinary teams that address complex and emerging challenges in developing environmental and sustainability solutions. 

- Planning and management of innovation strategies of science-based companies.  

- Consultancy for private and/or public institutions. 

- Preparation and implementation of research and development programs for the industry or university.






Access forms

Access to this cycle of studies requires an application, within the deadlines established for that purpose with the following documentation: 
- Letter of interest; 
- Curriculum vitae; 
- Habilitation certificates; 
- Certificate of English proficiency, both spoken and written, through recognized organizations such as TOEFL, British Institute; 
- Two letters of reference; 
- Identification document: Citizen Card | Passport - optional.

This information does not replace consultation of the Academic Regulations of the University of Minho and other official documents.

Formal requirements

The following are admitted to the course application:
a) Holders of a master degree in Biology, Molecular Genetics, Biochemistry, Pharmacy, Environmental Sciences or Engineering, Ecology, Biological Engineering, Bioinformatics, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics or other related areas, or legal equivalent;
b) Holders of a bachelor degree (minimum of 180 ECTS) in Biology, Biochemistry, Pharmacy, Environmental Sciences or Engineering, or other related areas, with a school or scientific curriculum especially relevant that is recognized as attesting the ability to carry out this PhD Programme by the Scientific Council of the School of Sciences;
c) Holders of an educational, scientific or professional curriculum that is recognized by the Scientific Council of the School of Sciences as attesting the ability to carry out this PhD Programme.

Application deadlines

Information on Application Deadlines can be found at:

Registration deadlines

Information on Registration Deadlines can be found at:

Aditional Information

Study Plan

Regime Curricular Unit Scientific Area ECTS
Year 1 60
A Advanced Formation in Molecular and Environmental Biology BIO 24
A Project in Cellular Biology and Health BCS 30
A Seminar in Molecular and Environmental Biology BIO 6
Year 2 3 4 180
TA Thesis BCS 180


A3ES Accreditation status:
Resolution publication date:
A3ES submited report:
Registry number at Ministry:
R/A-Ef 2380/2011/AL02
Registry Date:
Accreditation validity: