The Biochemistry Bachelor at the University of Minho trains professionals with a strong background in the various fields of Biochemistry, ranging from biomolecules to organisms functional studies, passing through the use of instrumental methods in the determination of molecular structures, the organization and physiology of the cell, the molecular biology and genetics and bioinformatics. It also ensures the acquisition of skills such as the ability to plan, execute, analyse and report research work, independently or in groups, which constitute an essential requisite of various professional activities or enables students to further continue their training. The course has a 6 semesters duration and is organized into curricular units (CUs) quantifiable according to the European system of curricular credits (ECTS). To obtain the degree it is necessary to perform 180 ECTS. In all the semesters there are CUs specially dedicated to practical activities that support the theoretical contents taught in the other CUs. During the last semester students have the opportunity to apply the knowledge acquired in a laboratory environment, in the Project CU. The teachers are qualified and committed, with PhD degrees by recognized universities, and use teaching and learning methodologies that stimulate the independent and cooperative work of the students.