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 Bachelor in Chemistry

Provides a solid training in the core areas of chemistry, in both their theoretical and laboratory components, and basic training in complementary areas. The scientific training acquired by graduates in chemistry allows access to a wide range of occupations in industry and services, including chemical industry, food processing, textiles, plastics, cellulose, cork, wood and leather, water industry, business consulting, scientific research institutions. They are also prepared to integrate multidisciplinary technical teams in different technological environments, industrial or educational purposes.​



Academic degree:
  • Bachelor (Bologna 1st cycle degree)
6 curricular semesters
Gualtar Campus, Braga (UM)
Main Scientific area:
  • Chemistry


    School of Sciences
    Campus de Gualtar
    4710 - 057 Braga

    Tel: +351 253604390 Fax: +351 253604398


The Bachelor in Chemistry from the University of Minho provides to students a solid theoretical
background in various chemistry areas, together with a strong experimental component. The course syllabus combines a specific training in chemistry with basic training in physics and mathematics. The Bachelor offers two differentiated training profiles comprising a degree in fundamental chemistry and a minor in Physics. This minor allows the graduates to be able to access the Master's degree in Teacher Training.
Graduates in Chemistry are prepared to integrate multidisciplinary technical teams within their specialty in diverse technological, industrial, educational or research environments. The Bachelor in Chemistry aims at a university formation, genuinely European and not simply national, therefore facilitating the insertion of graduates in the job market.

Key learning outcomes

1. Provide a solid and broad-spectrum training in Chemistry. 
2. Promote the development of cognitive skills, problem solving in the traditional fields of Chemistry. 
3. Promote scientific knowledge in the field of Chemistry in the sense of academic qualification for high quality professional practices. 
4. Promote the application of knowledge to solve problems, directly and not directly related to their area of study. 
5. Promote the development of communication skills and teamwork. 
6. Provide the acquisition of training also under the European mobility program. 
7. Promote the continuation of studies in advanced teaching cycles. 
8. Promote university education/formation on a genuinely European basis, facilitating the integration of graduates in national and international markets.

Access to higher education

The scientific training given by the Bachelor in Chemistry enables graduates in pursuing studies in a wide variety of courses of 2nd cycle (Master), in the University of Minho or another national or international institution of higher education.


The scientific training acquired by graduates in chemistry allows access to a wide range of careers in industry and services, including:
- Chemical, pharmaceutical, agrochemical, petrochemical, food, textile, paper, cork, cosmetics, polymers, inks, dyes and detergents.
- Companies/enterprises of treatment and recovery of waste.
- Laboratories of chemical analyses from industries and the state.
- Marketing companies of chemical products, raw materials and scientific or technical materials.
- Business consulting.
- Scientific research institutions.
The graduates in Chemistry are also prepared to integrate multidisciplinary technical teams in diverse environments, such as technological, industrial or educational.






Access forms

The access to this Cycle of Studies can be done through the following ways:
- Application for National Access to Higher Education Admissions;
- Application for Special Access to Higher Education Admissions;
- Application for Local Access to Higher Education Admissions;
- Application for Special Access to Higher Education Admissions;
- Application for Access to Higher Education Admissions through Re-Entry, Change and Transfer of Course.

Formal requirements

Entrance Testing

07 Physics and Chemistry
19 Mathematics A

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Aditional Information

Testimonials from (ex)students

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Study Plan

Regime Curricular Unit Scientific Area ECTS
Year 1 60
S1 Calculus EC M 6
S1 Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry QUI 6
S1 Introduction to Physical Chemistry QUI 6
S1 Laboratory Techniques in Chemistry QUI 6
S1 Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry EC M 6
S2 Introduction to Organic Chemistry QUI 6
S2 Laboratories of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry QUI 6
S2 Physical Chemistry QUI 6
S2 Physics I Fis 6
S2 Statistics EC M 6
Year 2 60
S1 Analytical Chemistry I QUI 6
S1 Laboratories of Organic and Analytical Chemistry QUI 6
S1 Organic Chemistry QUI 6
S1 Physics II Fis 6
S1 Spectroscopic Methods QUI 6
S2 Analytical Chemistry II QUI 6
S2 Complementary Organic Chemistry QUI 6
S2 Inorganic Chemistry QUI 6
S2 Laboratories of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry QUI 6
S2 Methods of Separation QUI 6
Year 3 60
S1 Complements of Physical Chemistry QUI 6
S1 General Biochemistry BQ 6
S1 Laboratories of Physical and Organic Chemistry QUI 6
S1 Opção I 6
Green Chemistry QUI 6
Introduction to Food Chemistry QUI 6
Nanofunctionalization of Textiles ET 6
Natural Products QUI 6
S1 Opção UMinho 6
Academic English LINGL 6
Bilingualism Psi 6
Digital Citizenship TSI 6
Education, Citizenship and Human Rights ED 6
Environmental, Social and Economic Sustainability CS; EG; ENG; Cie 6
Full Democracy, Responsibility and Rule of Law D 6
Introduction to the Russian Language and Culture ELG 6
Labour Law D 6
Mathematics Behind Things M 6
Photographic Literacy from Physics to Message Fis 6
Sport and Health EF 6
Substances that Changed the World QUI 6
Themes in Equality and Non-Discrimination Law D 6
Topics in Astronomy and Cosmology Fis 6
S2 Project in Chemistry QUI 18
S2 Opção II 6
Colours, Dyes and Pigments ET 6
Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry QUI 6
Macromolecular Chemistry QUI 6
Quantum Physics I Fis 6
S2 Opção III 6
Applied Electrochemistry QUI 6
Bioinorganic Chemistry BQ 6
Environmental Analytical Chemistry QUI 6


A3ES Accreditation status:
Resolution publication date:
A3ES submited report:
Registry number at Ministry:
R/A-Ef 2441/2011/AL01
Registry Date:
Accreditation validity: