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  Bachelor in Mathematics

It is a wide range programme, providing basic knowledge in the major areas of mathematics, from theory to applications. Strong emphasis will be put on the use of symbolic, numerical, graphical and statistical computational software. This programme aims to provide students with the mathematical skills and techniques needed in a variety of careers in business and commerce as well as in research, industry ​and education.​



Academic degree:
  • Bachelor (Bologna 1st cycle degree)
6 curricular semesters
Gualtar Campus, Braga (UM)
Main Scientific area:
  • Mathematics


    School of Sciences
    Campus de Gualtar
    4710 - 057 Braga

    Tel: +351 253604390 Fax: +351 253604398


A graduate in Mathematics should have a solid and broad education in Mathematics, provided with the knowledge, ability and skills needed in order to develop and implement them in the future in various contexts in the business world, research and teaching. During the course, Mathematics students will acquire skills and methodologies that will make them able to model and solve problems from a scientific and technological point of view. The rigour and analysis capabilities are features that will surely be valued by the employer. The basic higher educational training provided by this degree course endows students with a high capacity for analysis, synthesis and objective resolution of problems, allowing them to make diversified choices of further training at the master's level in areas aimed at research, teaching and business or professional activities.

Key learning outcomes

1. To provide a solid background in mathematics.
2. To develop the ability to evidence knowledge and understanding of concepts, fundamentals, theories and facts related to mathematics and some of its applications, namely in physics and computer science.
3. To enable for mathematical calculation and reasoning, and for the construction of rigorous arguments, including the elaboration of demonstrations.
4. To develop the ability to formulate and solve problems.
5. To contribute to the appreciation of teamwork.
6. To value scientific communication, written and oral, with audiences from various backgrounds and interests.
7. To develop the ability for autonomous learning of new knowledge and for acquiring new skills.

Access to higher education

This degree has a scientifically comprehensive study plan, enabling its graduates to pursue studies in a 2nd-cycle degree in mathematics or in applications of mathematics, with a view to careers in companies, iresearch, or education.
The training obtained in this degree will equip students with skills that enable them to perform a wide choice of 2nd Cycles in the areas of Science, Economics and Management or Engineering.


Graduates may pursue studies in a vast array of 2nd-cycle degrees, since mathematics is a foundation for all sciences and technologies and for socio-economical studies. Thus, graduates may choose several careers, such as in banks, insurance companies, or other companies that demand statistical or numerical treatment of data, or models for planning and development. They may also choose research in mathematics and applications, or in other areas within multidisciplinary teams. Teaching careers, both in higher education and in secondary education, are traditional options that remain atractive for those who wish to share and promote in young people their taste for mathematics.Graduates in Mathematics will be able to model and solve problems in science or technology. They will have developed skills of rigor and analysis that will certainly be very useful in their future career.






Access forms

The access to this Cycle of Studies can be done through the following ways:
- Application for National Access to Higher Education Admissions;
- Application for Special Access to Higher Education Admissions;
- Application for Local Access to Higher Education Admissions;
- Application for Special Access to Higher Education Admissions;
- Application for Access to Higher Education Admissions through Re-Entry, Change and Transfer of Course.

Formal requirements

Entrance Testing

19 Mathematics A

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Aditional Information

Testimonials from (ex)students

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Study Plan

Regime Curricular Unit Scientific Area ECTS
Year 1 60
S1 Calculus I M 7.5
S1 Computational Mathematics I M 7.5
S1 Linear Algebra I M 7.5
S1 Topics in Mathematics M 7.5
S2 Calculus II M 7.5
S2 Computational Mathematics II M 5
S2 Discrete Mathematics M 5
S2 Geometry M 5
S2 Linear Algebra II M 7.5
Year 2 60
S1 Algebra M 7.5
S1 Analysis I M 7.5
S1 History of Mathematical Thought M 7.5
S1 Numerical Analysis I M 7.5
S2 Analysis II M 7.5
S2 Complements of Algebra M 7.5
S2 Differential Geometry M 7.5
S2 Numerical Analysis II M 7.5
Year 3 60
S1 Complex Analysis M 7.5
S1 Logic and Foundations of Mathematics M 7.5
S1 Mathematical Methods in Physics M 7.5
S1 Probability and Applications M 7.5
S2 Mathematical Themes M 7.5
S2 Statistics M 7.5
S2 Opção 1 5
Automata and Formal Languages CComp 5
Computational Number Theory M 5
Elements of Topology M 5
Topics in Dynamical Systems M 5
Universal Algebra and Categories M 5
S2 Opção 2 5
Automata and Formal Languages CComp 5
Computational Number Theory M 5
Elements of Topology M 5
Topics in Dynamical Systems M 5
Universal Algebra and Categories M 5
S2 Opção UMinho 5
Bioethics ECS 6
Business Creation G 6
Collaboration for a Sustainable Development in the Digitalization Era EGI 6
Crime, Deviance and Control SOC 6
Education and Interpersonal Development in the University Context CEd 6
Environment and Energy ENG 6
Fundamentals and Practices of First Aid ENF 6
Galician Language and Culture LLC 6
Gestão de Ativos EC 6
Governance and Public Private Partnerships CA 6
Green Buildings ENG 6
Introduction to the German Language and Culture ELG 6
Introduction to the Spanish Language and Culture ELG 6
Leadership and Entrepreneurship EIS 6
Mathematics Behind Things M 6
Occupational Safety and Health EH 6
Photographic Literacy from Physics to Message Fis 6
Political Issues in the History of the Present Time H 6
Preparing Generation Z Beyond Technologies ENG 6
Principles of Economics E 6
Psychology of Aging and Communication Psi 6
Reading and Writing for Academic Production and Knowledge LEP 6
Scientific Research Methodologies IDP 6
Social Skills and Employability Psi 6
Sport and Health EF 6


A3ES Accreditation status:
Resolution publication date:
A3ES submited report:
Registry number at Ministry:
R/A-Ef 2437/2011/AL01
Registry Date:
Accreditation validity: