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 Bachelor in Optometry and Vision Sciences

The goal is to prepare qualified Optometrists, either for independent professional activity or to integrate multidisciplinary teams in the area of vision care and other related areas, namely research in optometry and vision sciences, or in companies that produce or sell optical ​materials and equipment.​



Academic degree:
  • Bachelor (Bologna 1st cycle degree)
6 curricular semesters
Gualtar Campus, Braga (UM)
Main Scientific area:
  • Optometry


    School of Sciences
    Campus de Gualtar
    4710 - 057 Braga

    Tel: +351 253604390 Fax: +351 253604398


The Degree in Optometry and Vision Sciences of the University of Minho provides students with solid training in theoretical and practical foundations in Optometry and Vision Sciences, ensuring the acquisition of skills to perform functions in a regime of autonomy and professional independence, necessary for the success of their graduates in the labor market or to the prosecution of studies, which includes:
- Knowledge to perform clinical activities in the area of Optometry for the promotion and provision of primary care for vision health
- To know the optical, physical and mathematical principles of operation of optometric equipment and their effects on eye physiology;
- Identify the physical, chemical, anatomical and physiological bases of the eye and visual function;
- Knowledge to perform visual examination techniques for the detection, analysis and treatment of visual anomalies of a refractive nature and dysfunctions of binocular, accommodative and oculomotor vision;
- Knowledge to prescribe and adapt different treatment plans for eye refractive anomalies and binocular vision dysfunctions by drawing up appropriate therapeutic management plan that includes the prescription of optical corrections (glasses and contact lenses) low vision devices, visual training and ergonomic conditions, among others;
- Knowledge of complementary examination techniques for the detection of ocular conditions and pathologies and referral to the appropriate professional, acting according to the norms of clinical orientation, good practices and scientific evidence;
- Knowledge necessary for visual analysis in specific populations and development of rehabilitation programs in visually impaired individuals to promote integration and social inclusion;
- Basic knowledge to pursue studies in post-graduate courses, namely at Masters level and research in the area of Vision Sciences or related areas.

Key learning outcomes

1. The Degree in Optometry and Vision Sciences is a project of the School of Sciences of the University of Minho (ECUM), involving departments and Research Centres of the ECUM. It aims to training professionals with deep knowledge of refractive anomalies, visual health, binocular vision, compensation of refractive anomalies and different optical, psychometric, psychophysical, neurological, motor, functional, biological parameters by which vision is evaluated;
2. To promote the learning and scientific knowledge of excellence in the area of Optometry, training professionals, to perform functions in a regime of professional autonomy, with deep knowledge of physics in the field of optics, biomedical and neuro-visual sciences, clinical optometry, relevant clinical ophthalmology and common problems faced in visual health care, with emphasis on eye manifestations;
3. To promote knowledge of general eye health and pathology and systems for referral, prevention and inclusive care for vision health, acting in accordance with the state-of-the-art standards of clinical guidance, good practice and scientific evidence;
4. To provide knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the visual system and understanding their functioning in the context of the human body;
5. To provide knowledge about the composition and function of ophthalmic instrumentation, observation techniques, analysis and interpretation of tests designed to observe and test visual function;
6. Promote the integration of technical knowledge and critical analysis in order to contextualize the problems that present themselves, to understand their origin, to base their forms of manifestation and approach with a sense of responsibility taking into account good technical, human and social practices;
7. To provide knowledge and understanding of visual rehabilitation techniques to allow individuals to maximize their visual capabilities and to cooperate with other professionals, namely in the area of Ophthalmology, in vision care;
8. Promote the topics related to vision in the community where it is inserted, recognize the limitations of current techniques and approaches and envisage autonomously or in groups new approaches and solutions.

Access to higher education

This degree provides the technical-scientific capacity to access post-graduate courses, namely at the Master's and Doctoral levels, for the development of research in the field of Optometry and Vision Sciences or related areas.


The main career opportunities for graduates in Optometry and Vision Sciences include:
- Optometry practice in optometry clinics as a self-employed professional or as an employee;
- Optometry practice within multidisciplinary teams in clinics/ophthalmology centers or in public or private hospitals
- Professional activity in training and professional services in industrial companies manufacturing ophthalmic lenses, contact lenses, and other optical components/equipment;
- Product research and development in the optical industry sector;
- Visual rehabilitation and optimization in populations with special needs.






Access forms

The access to this Cycle of Studies can be done through the following ways:
- Application for National Access to Higher Education Admissions;
- Application for Special Access to Higher Education Admissions;
- Application for Local Access to Higher Education Admissions;
- Application for Special Access to Higher Education Admissions;
- Application for Access to Higher Education Admissions through Re-Entry, Change and Transfer of Course.

Formal requirements

Entrance Testing

02 Biology and Geology
07 Physics and Chemistry
02 Biology and Geology
19 Mathematics A

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Aditional Information

Testimonials from (ex)students

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Study Plan

Regime Curricular Unit Scientific Area ECTS
Year 1 60
S1 Differential and Integral Calculus M 6
S1 Fundamentals of Vision Sciences OCV 6
S1 General Anatomy and Physiology CBiom 6
S1 Geometrical Optics O 6
S1 Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry EC M 6
S2 Biochemistry BIO 6
S2 General Physics I Fis 6
S2 Ocular Anatomy and Physiology CBiom 6
S2 Optometric Instrumentation OCV 6
S2 Vision Optics O 6
Year 2 60
S1 Fundamentals of Optometry OCV 6
S1 General Physics II Fis 6
S1 Physical Optics O 6
S1 Visual Perception OCV 6
S1 Opção UMinho 6
Academic English LINGL 6
Bilingualism Psi 6
Digital Citizenship TSI 6
Education, Citizenship and Human Rights ED 6
Environmental, Social and Economic Sustainability CS; EG; ENG; Cie 6
Full Democracy, Responsibility and Rule of Law D 6
Introduction to the Russian Language and Culture ELG 6
Labour Law D 6
Mathematics Behind Things M 6
Photographic Literacy from Physics to Message Fis 6
Sport and Health EF 6
Substances that Changed the World QUI 6
Themes in Equality and Non-Discrimination Law D 6
Topics in Astronomy and Cosmology Fis 6
S2 Advanced Optometry OCV 6
S2 Binocular Vision OCV 6
S2 Biophysical Fundamentals Fis 6
S2 General Pathology CBiom 6
S2 Optical Materials O 6
Year 3 60
S1 Applications of Vision Sciences OCV 6
S1 Clinical Optometry I OCV 6
S1 Fundamentals of Contactology OCV 6
S1 Ocular Pathology CBiom 6
S1 Technology of Ophthalmic Optics OCV 6
S2 Advanced Contactlogy OCV 6
S2 Clinical Optometry II OCV 6
S2 Complements of Optometry OCV 6
S2 Ocular Pharmacology CBiom 6
S2 Opção 6
Advanced Topics in Optometry OCV 6
Applied Optics to Instrumentation and Ophthalmic Industry O 6
Visual Rehabilitation and Optimization OCV 6


A3ES Accreditation status:
Resolution publication date:
A3ES submited report:
Registry number at Ministry:
R/A-Ef 2440/2011/AL02
Registry Date:
Accreditation validity: