The study programme (SP) is part of the UNISF (UNIversidade Sem Fronteiras) project, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund FEDER through the INTERREG VA Spain-Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020 program, including the Universities of Porto (UPorto), Minho (UMinho), Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), Santiago de Compostela (USC), Vigo (UV) and Coruña (UC), and the Foundation Center for Euro Regional Studies (FCEER). The project aims to strengthen the links between Universities in the Galicia-Northern Portugal Euroregion. One of the objectives is the creation of a joint 3rd cycle in the area of ??Maths - Pure, Applied or Applications of Maths.
The study plan accounts for 3 curricular years, totaling 180 ECTS, including 2 semester UCs in the 1st year, Seminar in Mathematics 1 (Seminar Mat 1) and Seminar in Mathematics 2 (Seminar Mat 2), and the holding of a Workshop in Mathematics (Workshop Mat) in each of semesters 3 to 6 (S3-S6). Seminars and Workshops will take place alternately in Portugal and Spain, in each of the participating HEIs, according to the following:
- Seminar Mat 1 and Workshops Mat from S3 and S5 at the beginning of S1, S3 and S5, resp.
- Seminar Mat 2 and Workshops Mat from S4 and S6 at the end of S2, S4 and S6, resp.
Distribution of the180 ECTS:
- teaching component to be held in the 1st year with 2 UCs: Seminar Mat 1 in S1 - 3 ECTS; Seminar Mat 2 at S2 - 6 ECTS;
- oral participation with written support in one of the Workshops Mat of S3 and S4 and one of the Workshops of S5 and S6 - 6 ECTS;
- thesis with 165 ECTS in joint cross-border orientation.
In Seminar Mat 1, the student prepares a report on a lecture given by teachers. The association "student-theme-advisors" must be formally approved by the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program (CAPD) within 3 months after the beginning of the academic year. In Seminar Mat 2, the student presents a lecture related to his/her thesis project. The Seminars' and Workshops' evaluation will be done by a Commission, to be defined by CAPD, made up of teachers from the 6 partner HEIs.
In the Thesis, the student annually submits an Activity Report and an Activity Plan, to be evaluated by CAPD taking into account the advisors' opinions. In addition to the provisions of the respective 3rd Cycle regulations of the partner HEIs, it will be a reason for exclusion from the EC to have 2 negative CAPD annual assessments.
The doctoral degree will be joint and awarded by all partner IHE.