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 Doctorate in Mathematics and Applications

The PhD in Mathematics and Applications is a joint program of the Universities of Northern Portugal (University of Minho, University of Porto, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro) and Galicia (University of Coruña, University of Santiago de Compostela, University of Vigo). This program was developed within the UNISF project (University Without Borders).

It is intended that students acquire specific skills in the area of Mathematics: development of techniques, languages and theoretical and computational tools suitable for problem solving; deepening of general techniques and an autonomous approach to mathematical problems; innovative modeling and resolution of scientific phenomena, within the scope of Mathematics and its applications.

The course is developed over 3 curricular years and corresponds to 180 ECTS distributed as follows:

- 2 semester UCs in the 1st year, Seminar in Mathematics 1 (3 ECTS) and Seminar in Mathematics 2 (6 ECTS);
- oral communication with written support in one of the 2nd year Workshops and in one of the 3rd year Workshops (6 ECTS);
- Thesis with 165 ECTS in cross-border co-supervision.

Applications 2025/2026
​To apply for a Doctoral Programme, with a curricular component, you will have to apply online at the Academic Portal.

Required documents for 2025/2026 applications:

  1. Certificate of Completion of previous Academic Degrees (Master and Bachelor), with identification of the Curricular Units carried out, their operating regime (semestral or annual) and number of UC/ECTS. In the case of a foreign degree, the certificate must contain the Hague Apostille or validation by the Portuguese.Consulate/Embassy in the country where the degree was awarded. (Mandatory).
  2. Curriculum vitae (Mandatory).
  3. Identification document (Identity Card/Citizen Card/Passport) or Form containing identification data (Mandatory).
  4. Motivation letter (Optional).
  5. Provisional Work Plan (Mandatory).
  6. Letter of acceptance from the advisor  (Mandatory).
  7. Letter of acceptance from the co-advisor (Strongly recommended) (Optional).
  8. Letters of recommendation (maximum of 2) (Strongly recommended) (Optional).
  9. Other documents considered relevant for the application of the ranking criteria (Optional).
  10. Declaration of Commitment of Honor of International Student (Optional).
  11. Form for ranking the HEIs of the UNISF project in which you intend to be admitted. (Mandatory)

    The presentation of the optional documents is strongly recommended.
Applications calendar :
- 1st phase: from 10/02/2025  to 04/04/2025
- 2nd phase: from 12/06/2025 to 05/09/2025

Further information here.



Academic degree:
  • Doctorate
6 curricular semesters
Gualtar Campus, Braga (UM)
Main Scientific area:


    School of Sciences
    Campus de Gualtar
    4710 - 057 Braga

    Tel: +351 253604390 Fax: +351 253604398


The study programme (SP) is part of the UNISF (UNIversidade Sem Fronteiras) project, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund FEDER through the INTERREG VA Spain-Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020 program, including the Universities of Porto (UPorto), Minho (UMinho), Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), Santiago de Compostela (USC), Vigo (UV) and Coruña (UC), and the Foundation Center for Euro Regional Studies (FCEER). The project aims to strengthen the links between Universities in the Galicia-Northern Portugal Euroregion. One of the objectives is the creation of a joint 3rd cycle in the area of ??Maths - Pure, Applied or Applications of Maths. 
The study plan accounts for 3 curricular years, totaling 180 ECTS, including 2 semester UCs in the 1st year, Seminar in Mathematics 1 (Seminar Mat 1) and Seminar in Mathematics 2 (Seminar Mat 2), and the holding of a Workshop in Mathematics (Workshop Mat) in each of semesters 3 to 6 (S3-S6). Seminars and Workshops will take place alternately in Portugal and Spain, in each of the participating HEIs, according to the following:
- Seminar Mat 1 and Workshops Mat from S3 and S5 at the beginning of S1, S3 and S5, resp.
- Seminar Mat 2 and Workshops Mat from S4 and S6 at the end of S2, S4 and S6, resp. 
Distribution of the180 ECTS:
- teaching component to be held in the 1st year with 2 UCs: Seminar Mat 1 in S1 - 3 ECTS; Seminar Mat 2 at S2 - 6 ECTS;
- oral participation with written support in one of the Workshops Mat of S3 and S4 and one of the Workshops of S5 and S6 - 6 ECTS;
- thesis with 165 ECTS in joint cross-border orientation. 
In Seminar Mat 1, the student prepares a report on a lecture given by teachers. The association "student-theme-advisors" must be formally approved by the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program (CAPD) within 3 months after the beginning of the academic year. In Seminar Mat 2, the student presents a lecture related to his/her thesis project. The Seminars' and Workshops' evaluation will be done by a Commission, to be defined by CAPD, made up of teachers from the 6 partner HEIs.
In the Thesis, the student annually submits an Activity Report and an Activity Plan, to be evaluated by CAPD taking into account the advisors' opinions. In addition to the provisions of the respective 3rd Cycle regulations of the partner HEIs, it will be a reason for exclusion from the EC to have 2 negative CAPD annual assessments. 
The doctoral degree will be joint and awarded by all partner IHE.

Key learning outcomes

General skills:
1. Systematic understanding of the study area of ??Mathematics (Maths) and mastery of the corresponding research methods.
2. Conception, design and implementation of a substantial investigation process.
3. Widening the frontiers of knowledge through original research.
4. Efficient communication with the academic and scientific community and with society in general within the scope of their knowledge.
5. Promotion, in academic and professional contexts, of scientific advancement in a knowledge-based society. 
Specific competences in Maths:
1. Development of techniques, languages ??and theoretical and/or computational tools suitable for problem solving.
2. Deepening of general techniques and autonomous approach to maths' problems.
3. Innovative modeling and resolution of scientific phenomena, within the scope of applications of Maths
4.Integration into uni / multidisciplinary working groups.
5. Detection of new fields of application of Maths.






Access forms

The access to this Cycle of Study can be done at the Students Portal of the University of Minho

This information does not replace consultation of the Academic Regulations of the University of Minho and other official documents.

Formal requirements

Candidates must have academic training in Mathematics, Statistics, Physics or Computer Science (or related field) of the following type:
a) master or legal equivalent
b) official university degree from a country in the European Higher Education Area that allows access to the master's degree and gathers a minimum of 300 ECTS, of which at least 60 are at master's level.

Aditional Information

Study Plan

Regime Curricular Unit Scientific Area ECTS
Year 1 9
S1 Seminar in Mathematics 1 M 3
S2 Seminar in Mathematics 2 M 6
Year 1 2 3 165
TA Thesis M 165
Year 2 3 6
BS Workshops em Matemática
Estes ECTS são obtidos da aprovação em dois workshops, um do 2º ano e outro do 3º ano. Realizam-se 2 workshops por ano, um em cada semestre. Os quatro Workshops serão realizados em Universidades participantes distintas.
M 6


A3ES Accreditation status:
Resolution publication date:
Registry number at Ministry:
R/A-Cr 150/2021
Registry Date:
Accreditation validity: