The ranking of candidates will be based on the ranking resulting from the application of the following algorithm:
Final classification [0-20] = 0.20 A + 0.60 B + 0.20 C
where components A, B and C are defined below.
It is also considered the following table 1, which defines the P weight given to the candidate's previous type of training:
Bachelor in Chemistry
Bachelor in Biochemistry
Bachelor in Pharmacy
Bachelor in Physical and Chemical Sciences
Bachelor in Chemical Engineering
Bachelor in Applied Biology
Bachelor in other related areas
Component A:
Component A is calculated by the formula:
where P is defined in table 1, according to the previous training of the candidate.
Component B:
Component B is given by the formula:
B=Med*0.8*P + OA*0.2
where P is defined in table 1, and Med and OA correspond to:
• Med: Final classification of degree, from 0 to 20;
• OA: Other relevant aspects in the scientific area of the cycle of studies such as presentations at scientific events, authorship of published works, participation in research projects, conducting internships, etc., whose ratings are assigned, from 0 to 20, by the Master's Course Steering Committee.
Component C:
Component C, valued from 0 to 20, is calculated as the sum of the ratings attributed by the Master's Course Steering Committee to the various dimensions of the candidate's technical and professional curriculum, in the area of the cycle of studies, as relevant professional activity, coordination and participation in projects, professional training, etc.