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 Master Degree in Medicinal Chemistry

The Medicinal Chemistry course is organized in four semesters. The 1st year consists of 10 mandatory course units (CU), two of which are laboratory practices. The lectures will be used to develop topics in the areas of organic chemistry, structural characterization and analysis and in synthetic strategies and also to introduce concepts in molecular modeling that will give the student the most common tools in this field. The laboratory practices will be carried out as small research projects that will allow the student to be a part of a research group. During the 2nd year the students will develop a research project that will be presented in the form of a thesis and defended orally. 

The main goal of the Medicinal Chemistry course is to create skills in the design, synthesis and development of new drugs for diagnostic and therapeutic purpose. The medicinal chemist should still be able to work in multidisciplinary teams, interacting with experts from different fields from theoretical chemistry to biology.​

Fees (non-refundable)

Number of vacancies

Access requirements​

Ranking criteria



Academic degree:
  • Master's degree
4 curricular semesters
Gualtar Campus, Braga (UM)
Main Scientific area:
  • Chemistry
  • Medicinal Chemistry


    School of Sciences
    Campus de Gualtar
    4710 - 057 Braga

    Tel: +351 253604390 Fax: +351 253604398


The Master's degree in Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Minho aims to train professionals with skills in designing, synthesizing, and developing new drugs for diagnosis and treatment. The use of cutting-edge methodologies/technologies and the development of new design and synthesis methodologies in a research context are especially encouraged. The Medicinal Chemist is particularly suited to lead multidisciplinary teams where chemistry plays a relevant role.
The faculty is highly motivated and qualified with extensive research experience in the areas of training. The course has a strong connection with researchers from the Chemistry Center of the University of Minho who integrate students into their research projects.

Key learning outcomes

A Master student in Medicinal Chemistry should acquire skills in the design, synthesis and
development of new drugs, namely:
1. Computational drug design.
2. Synthesis, isolation, characterization and elucidation of organic structures.
3. Study of chemical transformations and biological properties of drugs.
4. Optimization of the pharmacological properties of drugs.

Access to higher education

The course graduates will have an advanced multidisciplinary training that will give them
access to a more specific third cycle training (PhD) in areas that complement their previous


This Master degree aims at the integration of the graduate students in multidisciplinary teams in pharmaceutical industries laboratories, in commercial departments and in research laboratories to pursue their studies leading to a PhD degree.
The Masters in Medicinal Chemistry have been sought by public entities (Universities/Research Centers) and private (pharmaceutical and related industries) in recognition of the competencies conferred by the course. The main employment market has been national and international research laboratories, pharmaceutical industries and others in the chemical industry including Hovione, CUF, Fibromade, etc.
The course graduates acquire skills that allow them to develop their activity in commercial departments of chemical companies or even in technology-based industries.






Access forms

The access to this Cycle of Study can be done at the Students Portal of the University of Minho

This information does not replace consultation of the Academic Regulations of the University of Minho and other official documents.

Formal requirements

Conditions for admission to the master’s course:
a) holders of a first degree (or legally equivalent qualification) in chemistry, applied chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacy,physical and chemical sciences and chemical engineering or in other related areas;
b) holders of a foreign academic degree in the areas indicated in a) and corresponding to a 1st cycle of studiesaccording to the Bologna Process conferred by a State that has adhered to this Process;
c) holders of a foreign academic degree in the areas indicated in a) recognized by the Scientific Council of the Schoolof Sciences as equivalent to a 1st cycle of studies;
d) candidates not satisfying the requirements above, but having a curriculum that demonstrates an appropriate scientific or professional background recognized by the Scientific Council of the School of Sciences of theUniversity of Minho.

Application deadlines

Information on Application Deadlines can be found at:

Registration deadlines

Information on Registration Deadlines can be found at:

Aditional Information

Study Plan


A3ES Accreditation status:
Resolution publication date:
A3ES submited report:
Registry number at Ministry:
R/A-Ef 2544/2011/AL01
Registry Date:
Accreditation validity: