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 Doctoral Program in Applied Mathematics

The Doctoral Programme in Applied Mathematics is a joint programme of the Universities of Minho, Aveiro and Porto, with the participation of researchers of the following Organic Units: 
- School of Sciences, University of Minho; 
- Department of Mathematics, University of Aveiro; 
- Faculty of Sciences, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Engineering and Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar, University of Porto. 
It also counts with the collaboration of the Department of Mathematics, University of Beira Interior. 

The programme includes a curricular year organized to allow the students to contact with an introduction to research before choosing the area of their PhD theses.  It is supported by the research units CIDMA (Univ. Aveiro),CINTESIS (Univ. Porto), CMAT (Univ. Minho), CMUP, ISR-P and LIAAD (Univ. Porto), which guarantee the quality of the research that will be undertaken by the students during the years of preparation of their doctoral thesis. This involvement with the research centres also allows great flexibility of the curricular offering and research proposals, incorporating very diverse fields of Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and also in the interface with other sciences. The faculty of the programme is decided in each academic year, according to demanding scientific criteria. 

Under the call " FCT PhD Programme", PDMA-MAP Programme was rated as "Excellent", having been awarded 6 PhD scholarships per year, beginning in the academic year 2013-14.​

Applications 2023/2024
​To apply for a Doctoral Programme, with a curricular component, you will have to apply online at the Academic Portal.
​​Further infor​mation on the Doctoral Program in Applied Mathematics at and on applications at



Academic degree:
  • Doctorate
8 curricular semesters
Universidade de Aveiro (UA)
Main Scientific area:
  • Mathematics


    School of Sciences
    Campus de Gualtar
    4710 - 057 Braga

    Tel: +351 253604390 Fax: +351 253604398


The program, with its curriculum flexibility and specialized academic staff, guarantees the training of highly qualified human resources in the areas of Probability and Statistics, Dynamics and Geometry, Numerical Analysis and Computational Methods, Control and Optimization, Analysis or Algebra, Logic and Computing. A graduate of the PhD Program in Applied Mathematics should be able to integrate the specific knowledge acquired to design and develop solutions in multidisciplinary academic or business contexts.

Key learning outcomes

The program aims to promote the following skills:
1. solid and deep scientific knowledges in the area of Applied Mathematics to enrich the previous training of the student;
2. maturity of logical and abstract reasoning;
3. excellence in advanced training in Applied Mathematics, through research work on frontier themes of mathematical knowledge;
4. independence and creativity in problem solving in Mathematics and its applications;
5. innovation in treating problems of Mathematics and applications to other contexts.

Access to higher education

This program gives the technical-scientific ability to access postdoctoral programs.


The main sectors of employability of the program are:
- Higher education institutions;
- Laboratories and centers of research and development in the scientific areas of the course;
- Companies and industry.






Access forms

Access to this cycle of studies requires an application, within the deadlines established for that purpose.

This information does not replace consultation of the Academic Regulations of the University of Minho and other official documents.

Formal requirements

May apply to the cycle of studies leading to the doctor's degree:
a) Holders of a master's degree, or legal equivalent, in Mathematics, Engineering, Physics, Astronomy, Chemistry, Economics or related areas;
b) Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum, that is recognized as attesting to the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies by the legal scientific and statutorily competent body of the university where he/she wishes to be admitted. English proficiency.

Application deadlines

Registration deadlines

Aditional Information

Study Plan

Regime Curricular Unit Scientific Area ECTS
Year 1 60
S1 Seminar M 9
S1 Módulos especializados em Matemática e Aplicações A
O estudante tem de realizar duas uc’s de entre o elenco previsto.
Advanced Topics in Algebra, Logic and Computation M 6
Advanced Topics in Analysis and Optimization M 6
Advanced Topics in Dynamics and Geometry M 6
Advanced Topics in Probability and Statistics M 6
S1 Módulos especializados em Matemática e Aplicações B1
O estudante deve realizar 9 ECTS no 1.º semestre.
Advanced Methods in General Relativity M 6
Algebraic Theory of Generalized Inverses M 3
Algebraic Topology M 3
Bayesian Statistics M 3
Bifurcation Theory M 6
Billiards, Problems of Optimal Resistance M 3
Biological Dynamics M 6
Biostatistics M 6
Calculus of Variations M 3
Climate Change and Energy M 6
Codes and Systems M 3
Combinatorial Geometry M 3
Complementary Statistics M 3
Complements of Applied Mathematical Analysis M 3
Complex Systems M 3
Control of Linear Systems M 6
Control of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems M 6
Control of Uncertain and Structured Systems M 6
Data Stream Mining M 3
Differential Equations M 3
Differential Equations with Symmetry M 6
Discrete and Hybrid Systems M 6
Discrete Event Systems M 3
Galois Theories M 6
Generalized Linear Models M 3
Integer Linear Programming M 3
Integral Equations and their Generalizations M 3
Inverse Problems M 6
Lattices and Ordered Algebraic Structures M 3
Logistic Regression and Survival Analysis M 3
Longitudinal Data Analysis M 3
Multivariate Analysis and Statistical Learning M 6
Nondifferentialble Analysis M 3
Nonlinear Control M 3
Numerical Linear Algebra M 6
Numerical Methods for Differential Equations M 3
Numerical Spectral Methods M 6
Optimal Control M 3
Optimization and Network Design M 6
Optimization Theory M 3
Optimization, Control and Dynamical Estimation M 6
Order Statistics and Applications M 3
Orthogonal Polynomials and Applications M 6
Partial Differential Equations M 6
Sampling and Statistical Quality Control M 6
Signal Processing and Time Series Analysis M 6
Singularity Theory M 6
Spatial Data Analysis M 3
Statistical Genomics M 6
Statistical Methods in Epidemiology M 3
Stochastic Systems and Applications M 6
Strategic Ooptimization in Economy M 6
Topics in Numerical Analysis M 3
Topics in Time Series Analysis M 6
Topics in Turbulence M 3
Topics of Harmonic Analysis M 6
Topics of Kinetic Theory M 6
Topics of Semigroups and Languages M 6
Topics on Approximation Theory M 3
Type Theory M 6
Variational and Quasi-Variational Inequalities M 3
S2 Research Project in Mathematics M 21
S2 Módulos especializados em Matemática e Aplicações B2
O estudante deve realizar 3 ECTS no 2.º semestre.
Algebraic Theory of Generalized Inverses M 3
Algebraic Topology M 3
Bayesian Statistics M 3
Billiards, Problems of Optimal Resistance M 3
Calculus of Variations M 3
Codes and Systems M 3
Combinatorial Geometry M 3
Complementary Statistics M 3
Complements of Applied Mathematical Analysis M 3
Complex Systems M 3
Data Stream Mining M 3
Differential Equations M 3
Discrete Event Systems M 3
Generalized Linear Models M 3
Integer Linear Programming M 3
Integral Equations and their Generalizations M 3
Lattices and Ordered Algebraic Structures M 3
Logistic Regression and Survival Analysis M 3
Longitudinal Data Analysis M 3
Nondifferentialble Analysis M 3
Nonlinear Control M 3
Numerical Methods for Differential Equations M 3
Optimal Control M 3
Optimization Theory M 3
Order Statistics and Applications M 3
Spatial Data Analysis M 3
Statistical Methods in Epidemiology M 3
Topics in Numerical Analysis M 3
Topics in Turbulence M 3
Topics on Approximation Theory M 3
Variational and Quasi-Variational Inequalities M 3
S2 Opção
Qualquer unidade curricular de 3.º ciclo da UM, UA e UP. O estudante deve realizar 6 ECTS.
Advanced Methods in General Relativity M 6
Algebraic Theory of Generalized Inverses M 3
Bifurcation Theory M 6
Biostatistics M 6
Combinatorial Geometry M 3
Complementary Statistics M 3
Complements of Applied Mathematical Analysis M 3
Control of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems M 6
Differential Equations M 3
Differential Equations with Symmetry M 6
Discrete Event Systems M 3
Logistic Regression and Survival Analysis M 3
Longitudinal Data Analysis M 3
Multivariate Analysis and Statistical Learning M 6
Nonlinear Control M 3
Numerical Methods for Differential Equations M 3
Numerical Spectral Methods M 6
Optimal Control M 3
Partial Differential Equations M 6
Programming Paradigms EngI 6
Spatial Data Analysis M 3
Strategic Ooptimization in Economy M 6
Topics in Numerical Analysis M 3
Topics in Time Series Analysis M 6
Topics of Kinetic Theory M 6
Year 2 3 4 180
TA Thesis M 180


A3ES Accreditation status:
Resolution publication date:
A3ES submited report:
Registry number at Ministry:
R/A-Cr 318/2015/AL01
Registry Date:
Accreditation validity: