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  Master Degree in Mathematics and Computation

The Master in Mathematics and Computation is a 2nd cycle degree in the scientific areas of Mathematics and Computer Science, which complements the basic training of its students, with advanced training in these scientific areas, in domains of a more fundamental nature or with a central role in a wide variety of modern technologies.

The course makes it possible to choose different training profiles in Mathematics (namely in areas of Applied Mathematics or Pure Mathematics) or in Computer Science (including training profiles in areas such as Cryptography and Information Security, Machine Learning or Formal Methods of Programming), which are complemented with other curricular units, in order to increase the spectrum of knowledge in these scientific areas and in their applications.

The solid scientific training provided by this master's degree will allow its graduates to develop innovative solutions to scientific, technological or industrial problems, or to start research activities or continue studies at the 3rd cycle level.

The master’s degree is the result of a collaboration between the Departments of Mathematics and Informatics of University of Minho.

Fees (non-refundable)

Number of vacancies

Access requirements​

Ranking criteria




Academic degree:
  • Master's degree
4 curricular semesters
Gualtar Campus, Braga (UM)
Main Scientific area:
  • Mathematics


    School of Sciences
    Campus de Gualtar
    4710 - 057 Braga

    Tel: +351 253604390 Fax: +351 253604398


The Master in Mathematics and Computation aims at graduating students capable of solving problems in new and unfamiliar situations, in broad and multidisciplinary domains of Mathematics. The main objective is to prepare students so that, after completing the course, they can begin a professional career in applications or research in Mathematics, Computation or related fields.
Choosing one of the various specialization profiles offered by this programme enables students to be trained in an area of expertise of their interest, complemented by other curricular units in order to increase the spectrum of their knowledge in mathematics.
The solid scientific training that is proposed will allow a graduate of this MSc to find solutions to problems in sciences and technologies, and to continue towards a PhD programme.

Key learning outcomes

It is intended that graduates of the Master in Mathematics and Computation have an education in Mathematics and Computer Science, complementing their basic training, and that they can show ability in solving problems, whether they come from applications of mathematics, or from fundamental mathematics, namely:
1. to acquire a solid scientific background in Mathematics or Computation with the necessary skills to apply their expertise to real applications;
2. to develop systematic understanding of core areas in pure or applied mathematics and computation, as well as skills to approach advanced topics in one or more of these áreas;
3. to develop skills to model and solve problems in an innovative way or produce relevant knowledge in the area of mathematics and computation;
4. to lay the foundations for further research or for a career in industry, governmental institutions or in academia;
5. to develop soft skills such as writing and oral communication skills, and collaborative work.

Access to higher education

The MSc in Mathematics and Computation provides an excellent background for a PhD programme in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics.


The main sectors of employability of the programme are:
- Informatics industry (special appetences in the area of cryptography and security of information and communications, machine learning and in the area of formal methods and software engineering);
- Departments of information technology, communication or data analysis, in anyindustries and services;
- Consulting;
- Laboratories and centers of research and development in the scientific areas of the course.






Access forms

The access to this Cycle of Study can be done at the Students Portal of the University of Minho

This information does not replace consultation of the Academic Regulations of the University of Minho and other official documents.

Formal requirements

Can be candidates to the Study Program holders of a first degree (or legally equivalent qualification) in Mathematics, Computer Science or in other related áreas.

Application deadlines

Information on Application Deadlines can be found at:

Registration deadlines

Information on Registration Deadlines can be found at:

Aditional Information

Study Plan

Regime Curricular Unit Scientific Area ECTS
Year 1 60
S1 Logic of Programming CComp 7.5
S1 Themes of Algebra M 7.5
S1 Opção 1 5
Category Theory M 5
Coding Theory CComp 5
Computational Geometry M 5
Computational Mathematics M 5
Geometry of Manifolds M 5
Introduction to Algorithms and Programming I 5
Introduction to Optimization M 5
Topology M 5
S1 Opção 2 5
Cloud Computing Applications and Services EngI 5
Cryptographic Technology I 5
Formal Methods in Software Engineering EngI 5
Machine Learning I I 5
Metrics in Machine Learning I 5
Network Services Engineering EngI 5
Parallel Computing EngI 5
Software Requirements and Architectures EngI 5
Specification and Modeling I 5
S1 Opção 3 5
Advanced Computing I 5
Cloud Computing Applications and Services EngI 5
Formal Methods in Software Engineering EngI 5
Network Services Engineering EngI 5
Parallel Computing EngI 5
Similarity Based Systems I 5
Software Requirements and Architectures EngI 5
S2 Complexity CComp 5
S2 Integrated Project in Mathematics and Computation M 10
S2 Opção 4 5
Bayesian Statistics and Applications EST 5
Dynamical Systems M 5
Forecasting Methods and Time Series EST 5
Introduction to Optimization M 5
Modules and Rings M 5
Numeric Algorithms and Parallel Computation M 5
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations M 5
Topics of Complex Systems M 5
S2 Opção 5 5
Architecture and Calculus I 5
Cryptographic Structures EngI 5
Cyber-Physical Programming EngI 5
Information Systems by Calculation EngI 5
Machine Learning II I 5
Optimization in Machine Learning I 5
Security Engineering EngI 5
Security Technologies EngI 5
S2 Opção 6 5
Classifiers and Connectionist Systems I 5
Cyber-Physical Programming EngI 5
Formal Verification EngI 5
Large Dataset Management I 5
Security Engineering EngI 5
Security Technologies EngI 5
Year 2 60
A Dissertation CComp 50
S1 Opção 7 5
Category Theory M 5
Cloud Computing Applications and Services EngI 5
Coding Theory CComp 5
Computability CComp 5
Computational Mathematics M 5
Formal Methods in Software Engineering EngI 5
Geometry of Manifolds M 5
Introduction to Optimization M 5
Linear Models EST 7.5
Mathematics and Computational Mechanics M 5
Metrics in Machine Learning I 5
Models for Longitudinal Data EST 5
Network Services Engineering EngI 5
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations M 5
Parallel Computing EngI 5
Similarity Based Systems I 5
Software Requirements and Architectures EngI 5
Spatial Statistics EST 5
Topology M 5
S1 Opção 8 5
Category Theory M 5
Computational Geometry M 5
Computational Mathematics M 5
Geometry of Manifolds M 5
Introduction to Optimization M 5
Linear Models EST 7.5
Metrics in Machine Learning I 5
Models for Longitudinal Data EST 5
Modules and Rings M 5
Probability Applications and Stochastic Modeling EST 5
Similarity Based Systems I 5
Spatial Statistics EST 5
Topology M 5


A3ES Accreditation status:
Resolution publication date:
A3ES submited report:
Registry number at Ministry:
R/A-Ef 2533/2011/AL02
Registry Date:
Accreditation validity: