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 Closed cycle APD cryostat / Furnace multimeters

Measurement of electric, dielectric and impedance spectroscopy properties at low temperatures 10K - 300K. Frequencies up to 3MHz. 
Measurement of the electric, dielectric and impedance spectroscopy properties at high temperatures, up to 500K.  Frequencies up to 3MHz.
Impedance measurements up to 3 GHz, at room temperature using an RF impedance/material analyzer.
Measurement of polarization hysteresis cycles P(E) using a Sawyer-Tower circuit. Temperatures in the range 10K-300K. Frequencies 10Hz-3MHz.
Measurement of the temperature dependence of the polarization (pyroelectricity) in the range 10-500 K.

Centre of Physics/ Department of Physics
Laboratory of Dielectric Properties 
Bernardo Almeida  bernardo@fisica.uminho.pt